Christmas is the Season to: Get Engaged

So you are going to get married

Christmas Day is usually the number one day of the year for couples to get engaged (followed by Valentine’s Day and Christmas Eve) according to Wedding Wire. The next big step after getting engaged is planning the wedding and the first step in that regard is when and how much?

marriage engagement

The Knot does an annual wedding-cost survey and  last year, the average cost of a wedding was $33,391. And that does NOT include the honeymoon.

How much should YOU spend on your wedding? The Washington Post just today published a great article on just this subject. Their advice? Do what you can afford.

Check out the article at the Washington Post for some great advice on how much to spend on your wedding.

My advice? Do not spend more than $5000. You can have a memorable wedding on that budget and I have officiated many wonderful weddings that cost even less than that.

The post Christmas is the Season to: Get Engaged appeared first on Marriage Notary and Wedding Officiant.


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